3 teas that actually help you lose weight

3 Teas That Actually Help You Lose Weight

If you’re looking for a way to lose weight, you’ll soon come across a variety of weight loss teas. In fact, the variety can...
pros and cons of GI diets

The Pros and Cons of GI Diets

If you're suffering from diabetes, proper nutrition is one of the key aspects of managing the condition. That's why some people opt for glycemic...

5 Ways to Tell You’re Not Getting Enough Protein

Protein has a reputation as the best friend of bodybuilders. It all has to do with bulking up, which conversely makes some people want...

The 5 Best Natural Supplements to Reduce Your Food Cravings

The best way to eat less and lose weight is to not feel hungry in the first place. However, many pills and supplements that...

Figuring Out Your Fitness Goals

People who talk about fitness and dieting talk a lot about goals. I know, because I’m one of them. I’m a big proponent of...
lose weight if you hate vegetables

How to Lose Weight If You Hate Vegetables

Want to lose weight but hate vegetables? There are ways to get around the veggie requirement of most weight loss diet plans. But, it...

Not All Calories Are the Same: 5 Things You Need to...

Think all calories are created equal? Your diet planning would be much simpler if that were the case. Unfortunately, they are not all the...

5 Key Rules of the Slow-Carb Diet

The Slow-Carb Diet is based on 5 easy to follow rules that are based on the principle of minimum effective dose (MED). Here are...

This Is Why You Sweat After Eating

We’ve all been there – you’re eating a hot, spicy dish and suddenly you notice drops of sweat running down your forehead. This is...

How Many Times Should You Eat in a Day?

Conventional wisdom dictates that you eat 3 meals a day: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. But, conflicting health advise challenges what you thought you knew....

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