are weight-loss pills dangerous

Are Weight-Loss Diet Pills Dangerous?

Many over-the-counter pills claim to be efficient in promoting weight loss. We all want to get rid of excess body weight fast, so the...

Is Meditation the Key to a Stunning Physique?

What is meditation? Does this word ring a bell? It's very likely that it does. Meditation is a practice in which you give your...

The Physiological Benefits of Weight Control

Weight loss comes with some obvious physical changes – our blood pressure decreases, breathing becomes easier, and our joints are under less stress. However,...
how much protein

How Much Protein Do We Exactly Need?

Protein is an important nutrient, but not many people know what it does. It’s responsible for the production of a lot of things in...
the best way to diet if you're over 35

The Best Way to Diet If You’re Over 35

Keeping your weight under control can help prevent a number of diseases that may come with age. But what is the best way to...

What Are the Dangers of Eating Too Fast?

According to a recent study of over 1,000 people, eating too fast correlates with an increased risk of metabolic syndrome. And metabolic syndrome is...

How Many Times Should You Eat in a Day?

Conventional wisdom dictates that you eat 3 meals a day: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. But, conflicting health advise challenges what you thought you knew....

5 Common Signs of Vitamin Deficiencies

Our bodies need a balance of healthy vitamins and minerals to work properly. When they don’t have this balance, they will find a way...

What is Metabolism?

So many ads for teas, pills, and foods that talk about it helping you to lose weight by “speeding up” your metabolism, helping you...

5 Things to Do After You Break Your Diet

Breaking your diet can feel disappointing and frustrating. However, it’s crucial not to let these feelings take over, as that can hinder your progress...

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