Common Weight Loss Mistakes to Avoid

The number one problem facing many people in the world today is weight loss. Obesity is on the increase all over the world, and...

Avoid These 5 Foods That Can Give You Acne

When you think of acne, teenagers pop into your mind. That’s not accurate though. Acne can hit us at any age. This is due...

Why We Tend to Gain Weight With Age

It shocks the world when we see a 55-year old with a slender and muscular body. We are accustomed to seeing men and women...
fad diets

Fad Diets: Do They Work?

Every year, there are new diets touted in the media and online as quick fixes to weight problems. These include infomercials for diet pills,...
lose weight if you hate vegetables

How to Lose Weight If You Hate Vegetables

Want to lose weight but hate vegetables? There are ways to get around the veggie requirement of most weight loss diet plans. But, it...

The Pros and Cons of Peeling Your Fruits and Veggies

Did your mother teach you to peel your vegetables and fruits before eating them? Or, maybe you are concerned about possible pesticides on your...

5 Excellent Reasons Why You Should Eat Cabbage More Often

You may love or hate it, but cabbage is very fond of you. It's versatile and nutrient rich. And many prefer its taste compared...

This Is Why You Sweat After Eating

We’ve all been there – you’re eating a hot, spicy dish and suddenly you notice drops of sweat running down your forehead. This is...
How to Carb-Load Properly

How to Carb-Load Properly

Ahead of high-endurance events, many athletes decide to load up on carbohydrates. This gives their muscles larger supplies of sugar to use as a...

Why Do Calories Count?

When people talk about calories in food, what do they mean? Well, let's get you your answers! To start, you should know that a calorie...

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