permanent weight loss

5 Things You Must Do After Losing Weight

What next after achieving that goal? This is  a common question among dieters and non-dieters alike. Perhaps unsurprisingly, they are usually unprepared for the...

10 Steps to Reduce Your Waistline

Is there someone who wouldn't love to reduce their waistline? Nutritionists and doctors advise several guidelines to get rid of the excess fat accumulated...

How a Low-Purine Diet Can Help You

The number of diets out there can get overwhelming. It seems like there’s a new one each month. A low-purine diet may not be...

5 Powerful Superfoods That Are Rich in Antioxidants

People are always on the lookout for the best antioxidant foods, and for a good reason. These foods are packed with healthy nutrients and...

Infused Water: The Secret to Loosing Weight

With summer approaching, many people find it difficult to deal with the dehydration levels associated with the hot temperatures. Moreover, hydration is the best...
post-pregnancy weight

6 simple ways to lose post-pregnancy weight

It is any woman’s dream to be fit and lose their post-pregnancy weight after childbirth. It not only makes you feel confident about your...
facts about the keto diet

The Ins and Outs of the Keto Diet

One of the most common misconceptions about the keto diet is that it works for everyone the same way. We have prepared some interesting...

4 Tips to Avoid Love Handles

Summer is gone. That means that before you know it, it will be Thanksgiving and then the holidays. If you're not careful, all that...

3 Common Slip-ups That Can Keep You From Losing Weight

It’s easy to fool ourselves into thinking that we’re working harder at weight loss than we really are. We don’t push ourselves as hard...
depression and weight gain

Depression and Weight Gain: What You Need to Know

Depression and weight gain usually go hand-in-hand. They create a vicious circle of sorts, and it's difficult to tell which came first. When you're...

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