Proper Nutrition For Athletes

Prореr nutrіtіоn іѕ аn еѕѕеntіаl раrt оf lіvіng a hеаlthу lіfе; thіѕ іѕ еvеn truеr whеn соnѕіdеrіng nutrіtіоn fоr аthlеtеѕ. Athlеtеѕ whо аrе mоrе active...

Do Egg Diets Really Work?

Yes. That's the short answer. Now for all the ifs, ands, and wherefores. Do egg diets really work? Yeah, you are likely to lose weight....

3 Reasons Why You Should Avoid Fried Foods

Do you love anything deep fried? Can’t stay away from an order of fries? Occasional splurges are okay, but you will have problems if...
Detox diets

Everything You Need to Know About Detox Diets

Detox diets seem to be everywhere in the media lately, but there are conflicting ideas as to what they are. To put it simply,...
3 reasons why you should switch to oat flour

3 Reasons Why You Should Switch to Oat Flour

Not many people use oat flour, which is a shame as it as some many nutritional benefits. As more and more people have difficulty...

Keep Your Liver Healthy with These 5 Foods

Your liver is great. It does so many things for you. But, are you taking care of it the best way you can? Try...

How Much Should You Weigh?

Have you ever wondered if you have the needed weight your body could carry? If your Body Mass Index is over 30 then you...

Avoid These 5 Foods That Can Give You Acne

When you think of acne, teenagers pop into your mind. That’s not accurate though. Acne can hit us at any age. This is due...
fad diets

Fad Diets: Do They Work?

Every year, there are new diets touted in the media and online as quick fixes to weight problems. These include infomercials for diet pills,...

The Simplest Diet You’ve Ever Heard Of

Are you looking for a diet that does not include fancy meal plans? Or one that doesn’t require you to scour specialty grocery stores...

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