Why Eating One Meal a Day to Lose Weight Isn’t a...

There are plenty of diet plans that boast of eating one meal a day. The idea is that intermittent fasting can help you lose...

Can Weight Loss Be Uneven?

Say the words ‘uneven weight loss’ and some crazy stuff springs to mind. Specifically, a lop-sided creature from a horror movie. It’s a little...

The Top 10 Health Myths Finally Exposed! Part 1

Onlу 400 years аgо іt wаѕ bеlіеvеd thаt thе ѕun rеvоlvеd аrоund thе Eаrth. And it wаѕ оnlу іn thе late 19th сеnturу that thе...

3 Reasons Why You Should Avoid Fried Foods

Do you love anything deep fried? Can’t stay away from an order of fries? Occasional splurges are okay, but you will have problems if...

5 Possible Reasons Why Your Low-Carb Diet Isn’t Producing Results

Your low-carb diet isn’t working for you? There may be ways to deal with the problems you’re having, and we’ll show you some of...

How Exercise Combats Health Conditions and Disease

Worried about heart disease? Hoping to avoid high pressure? No matter what your current weight, being an effective boosts high-density lipoprotein (HDL), or "good,"...
Detox diets

Everything You Need to Know About Detox Diets

Detox diets seem to be everywhere in the media lately, but there are conflicting ideas as to what they are. To put it simply,...
3 reasons why you should switch to oat flour

3 Reasons Why You Should Switch to Oat Flour

Not many people use oat flour, which is a shame as it as some many nutritional benefits. As more and more people have difficulty...

Common Weight Loss Mistakes to Avoid

The number one problem facing many people in the world today is weight loss. Obesity is on the increase all over the world, and...

How Much Should You Weigh?

Have you ever wondered if you have the needed weight your body could carry? If your Body Mass Index is over 30 then you...

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