If You’re Not Losing Weight, Get Real with Yourself

So you've been on a diet and you've started an exercise program. However, despite the fact that you've been working hard--or so you think--the...

Pros And Cons Of The Mini Exercise Bike

Thе mini exercise bike іѕ a great еxеrсіѕе mасhіnе - it's ѕmаll аnd compact, but іt аlѕо hold ѕоmе dіѕаdvаntаgеѕ to іt. Dо you nееd...

3 Types of Supersets To Know About

One of the best intensity building techniques you can do in your workout program is the superset. Supersets consist of pairing two exercises back...

Your 10 Minute Fat Burning Workout

Looking to burn fat in 10 minutes or less? Need a fast workout on the go? We have your solution. The fact is, you...
why underwater exercise is good

Why Underwater Exercise Is Good for Your Body

When you suffer an injury, most doctors will recommend simple exercises to do underwater. Underwater fitness is a popular choice for seniors as well....

Win Friends to Lose Weight

It’s not exactly earth-shattering to say that dieting can be difficult. If you’ve gotten used to eating poorly, for example, it can be hard...

How Exercise Improves Mood

Regular exercise helps in the prevention and management of health issues such as diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and obesity. However, it can...

5 Cardio Workouts for Beginners

When you start working out, it can be overwhelming. If you haven’t done any form of exercise since PE class, you might feel scared...

How to Be a Morning (Workout) Person

I'll admit, I'm not the kind of person who springs out of bed ready to work out. My movement from the bed is more...

Worried About Rhabdomyolysis?

“There’s a good article on exercise on page 7 in the paper that might be good for your research,” my boss texted me. My...

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