5x5 strength training program

Reinvent Your Body with the 5×5 Program

The 5x5 strength training program is a pioneering workout routine of its kind. Bill Starr, one of the most famous football strength coaches, first...

5 Cardio Workouts for Beginners

When you start working out, it can be overwhelming. If you haven’t done any form of exercise since PE class, you might feel scared...

Worried About Rhabdomyolysis?

“There’s a good article on exercise on page 7 in the paper that might be good for your research,” my boss texted me. My...

How Snapping Selfies Can Help You Lose Weight

No shame here! Now you have a science-backed reason to keep snapping selfies at the gym. Every day, more and more people are participating in...

Can You Walk Off Those Unwanted Pounds?

Is walking just another way to get from point A to point B? According to experts, it’s more than that. Walking has the status...

Why You’re Running But Not Losing Weight

If you're trying to lose weight and already dreading the exercise portion, because you hate running, take heart. The truth is that running is...

Exercise – The Bad Guy in Town for Cardiac Patients?

For those of you who might not know yet, exercising is something that will benefit you no matter the ailment you have. However, a...

A Beginner’s Guide to HIIT

In talking about LISS workouts, I briefly mentioned HIIT workouts, but I didn’t go into much detail. So now let’s talk about those. As...

Calisthenics VS Weight Lifting: Which Is Right For You?

Losing weight comes in many forms. For some, simply losing excess fat is the goal while for others, building a leaner, stronger physique is...

5 Quick Ways to Tell if Your Workout Works

You may have been sticking to your workout routine, but that doesn't mean anything if you don't think you're getting results. In fact, you...

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