5 Seasonal Vegetables You Should Eat During Winter

When the winter months roll around, the idea of eating fresh vegetables gets taken over by the thought of comfort food. If you give...

Binge Eating Disorder: What It Is and What to Do About...

Everyone overeats on occasion. It becomes serious when your overeating is a compulsive behavior. And, no matter how many times you vow to stop,...

5 Key Rules of the Slow-Carb Diet

The Slow-Carb Diet is based on 5 easy to follow rules that are based on the principle of minimum effective dose (MED). Here are...

Eating Cheese in Moderation May Be Good for Your Health

Cheese is a great addition to your meal. But, in recent years there has been conflicting information about consuming it. Is it good for...

Can You Eat a High-Fat Diet and Not Gain Weight?

Imagine eating as many burgers as you want and not having to worry about gaining weight. Is it possible? New data suggests you can...

3 Surprising Nutritional Benefits of Cinnamon

You may have thought that cinnamon is just a pleasant spice, but you’d be wrong. Cinnamon has been used for thousands of years for...

3 Reasons Why You Should Avoid Fried Foods

Do you love anything deep fried? Can’t stay away from an order of fries? Occasional splurges are okay, but you will have problems if...

3 Great Reasons Why You Should Drink White Tea

Talk to any health guru, and they’ll start spouting off the benefits of green or black tea. It’s those two that get all the...

Going Dairy-Free: the 4 Best Milk Substitutes

There are two usual reasons behind the choice to go dairy-free in life. The first is just to avoid the taste of dairy products....

5 Potassium-Rich Foods That Can Improve Your Health

Your body cannot make potassium naturally. Yet, it is essential for many of your body’s functions. Bananas are one of the most well-known potassium-rich...

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