5 Ways to Tell You’re Not Eating Enough


Malnutrition affects more than two billion people around the globe. About a quarter of them are not eating enough for a variety of reasons. These include self-imposed food restrictions as well as opting for foods with low nutritional value.

Here are five ways to tell that you’re not eating enough.

1. You’re Low on Energy

A lack of energy is one of the most common signs of malnutrition. It’s more prevalent in older people, as our appetites reduce with age. As a rule, you need about 2,000 calories a day to remain alert and energized.

2. You’re Always Hungry

Sometimes you can feel constant hunger even though you’re eating regularly. This could be the result of eating low-calorie foods. According to research, a reduced calorie intake also decreases the production of hunger-suppressing hormones. So if you take 40% fewer calories than you need, your hunger levels can go up by almost 20%.

3. You Can’t Sleep at Night

Several studies have found a link between not eating enough and sleep problems. For example, people who limit their calorie intake have trouble getting into deep sleep. While the effects may not be noticeable at first, they can become very severe after only a few weeks of restricted dieting.

4. Your Hair Is Falling Out

Excessive hair loss can also be a symptom of poor nutrition. To secure healthy hair growth, you need a steady intake of some vital nutrients and minerals. They include vitamin B7 (biotin), iron, and protein.

5. You’re Always Cold

Your body doesn’t only use calories to create energy but also to keep you warm. To help maintain your body temperature, the thyroid gland produces the T3 hormone. But several studies show that a reduced calorie intake lowers the production of this hormone.

Final Word

You need a regular intake of key vitamins and nutrients for your body to function properly. If you don’t get enough of one or more of them, it may result in some serious health issues. Watch out for these five signs of under-eating and adjust your diet if needed.


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