The Free Guide to Calorie Counting Made Easy

counting calories

Calories are everywhere out there. They can’t be avoided. And although they are quite a big deal when it comes to losing weight, the process of counting them can be difficult. But to do so is valuable for maintaining a healthy weight, and can set you on a path to responsible living.

Why Would You Count Them

The concept of calorie counting centers on the fact that calories are what make our body go. They are needed, but there comes a time when we may overload on them. This can lead to poor health, which is where counting calories comes into play. By counting the calories that you ingest throughout the day and not exceeding a set amount, you force your body to burn through its fat reserves. The result of which is weight loss.

What You Should Know First

To be good at counting calories, you need to understand how many calories your body needs to maintain its current weight. Once you have that figure, you can then reduce that amount.

It’s generally stated that healthy women should consumer between 1800 – 2400 calories a day to maintain their weight as it matches their output of calories. The figure for men is 2200 to 2800. The key word is “maintain”. To lose weight, the calorie amount needs to be lowered. By reducing your caloric intake by 400 to 500 for the day, 1 to 2 pounds can be lost per week.

Keep in Mind

If you are counting calories though, it’s important to be honest with yourself. Everything you eat needs to be scrutinized. While counting calories may become easier later, starting out is going to involve a lot of research. This is by no means a fad diet, and when used correctly can be a great tool for reaching and maintaining target weights.

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